It is a myth that Art Stage is about glamorous Western-influenced culture. Singapore art collective Vertical Submarine’s ornate Classical-like images, including traditional-looking coat of arms are an exaltation of Hokkien words. Or not. Uh…, these Hokkien words here are actually the most polite of the lot. Warning: Do not use the phrases without expert guidance. At least one of the translations is lamer than the original phrase, although I should also disclaim my food-centre-standard of Hokkien. We should at least learn to determine when others are not complimenting us (or when to scram to avoid a black eye).
As Artitute’s Lady Boss had verified with the Art Stage people, there are no naked people this year. So you have little excuse not to seek the Singapore(-based) artists, if you can find them. These are the ones we are aware of.
The Art Stage special project on Singapore, Island Allegories, is near the cafe within the exhibition halls.
The unassuming Ng Joon Kiat presents his bold paintings of “imaginary geographies”.
The friendly Betty Susiarjo uses video projections on hand-sewn beads to replay moments.
Betty Susiarjo explores text in visual art with her own poems.
Other Singapore artists at Art Stage are Zhao Renhui, Michael Lee and Phunk Studio.
Art Stage is curated. Why are there so few Singapore artists? We leave you to contemplate that as you stroll between the well-spaced exhibits or slouch on a couch to admire the wonderful works of the world.
Enjoy our Art Stage 2012 photo album by Artitute’s photographers.
Opening times are at Art Stage Singapore visitor information.
We suggest you try attending the art expert talks.
Imelda Tan
has more than 35 years of experience as a Singapore arts consumer who started as an almost reluctant kid. Her arts interest grew, but alas, faster than her wallet.