Author and journalist Nicholas Yong launches his second book at the Singapore Writers Festival on Sunday, November 6. In “Track Faults and Other Glitches”, Nicholas Yong takes us on a journey into an alternate Singapore, where the impossible becomes real.
Deep in the heart of the Zombie Civil Service, a secret meeting is held to preempt an impending disaster. In the heartlands, a devoted Shiba Inu, a dog breed from Japan, seeks the divine in her quest for answers. And what happens when an MRT train goes underground, and never comes back out? This collection of 10 short stories transports you from the deeply familiar to the supernatural, exploring things that cannot and should not be.
The book launch takes place from 5.30pm on November 6 at the Arts House, Gallery II.

is an online showcase and magazine covering Southeast Asia’s established and emerging visual artists and art scenes.