This fourth manifestation of the Sculptural Forms series, first started in 2009, began after Carol Murphy came across an online advertisement for an artwork at an English Antiques Shop. This elegant figure resembled a Cycladic sculpture, with the stylisation of the head and arms entwined. Murphy explains, “I have never wanted to own an artwork more. Upon first seeing it, I was captivated, with no providence attached, it resembled something Henry Moore may have carved, as it required considerable skill for its size… I expect it may have been carved by a European sculptor of some note, but somehow was separated from its history.”
This exhibition commenced with Murphy’s desire to create a pastiche of the work that first captured her imagination nine years ago — a response to her immediate connection to it. It is also a continuation of a series of exhibitions that presented figures formed in simple shapes, however, the new works are more stylised, elongated, forced into impossible positions, and pared back of recognisable features.
Brenda May Gallery
2 Danks Street Waterloo NSW Australia 2017
29 October to 24 November 2016
Open: Tue to Fri 11-6, Sat 10-6

is an online showcase and magazine covering Southeast Asia’s established and emerging visual artists and art scenes.