Have you questioned your ability to play to a specific character type? Do you find it hard to connect to the characters you are playing? Strasberg’s Improvisation enables you to advocate for any character or story. You’ll learn that the key to great character work is preparation. An effective preparation allows you to embrace anything – and any role – that comes your way.


Our instructor will work closely with you to hone your preparation process. By creating your own characters from scratch, you gain a profound understanding of their most intimate desires, thoughts and feelings. You will break bad acting habits, surpass your comfort zone and develop the ability to act and direct all at the same time.

Registration closes: 16 August 2016

To sign up, visit http://methodactingasia.com/programme/lee-strasbergs-improvisation/

24 August – 12 October 2016
Every Wednesday, 7.00pm to 11.00pm

Price: S$600

Payment Plans are available. Email us at [email protected]