The WMA Commission invites entries for proposals from artists and photographers from both Hong Kong and the international community. The Commission recipient will be invited to create new photo-based work in Hong Kong, focusing on the theme of Identity. Project proposals must contextually relate to both the theme and to Hong Kong. A four-member Selection Panel will choose the WMA Commission recipient, who will be awarded a 250,000 HKD grant that will contribute towards production of the successful proposal and a public event featuring the completed work. The call for proposals is open to all local and international applicants. The WMA Commission is a part of the WYNG Masters Award programme.
By facilitating and supporting original, creative interpretations of Identity, the WMA Commission encourages a unique perspective on how Hong Kong is affected by an issue that has global implications, while increasing public awareness and knowledge.
The 250,000 HKD award grant covers artist fee, creation (including such activities as research, travel and production, as well as resources such as an assistant or translator and daily expenses) and a public event. It does not include (1) accommodations (for overseas artists) or (2) the venue cost for public presentation, which is covered by the organisers. Overseas participants should ensure that they are able to stay for at least one month for the project and also set aside time for the public presentation.
Grant total: 250,000 HKD
Approximate breakdown:
Artist fee—50,000 HKD
Creation & expenses—100,000 HKD
Public presentation—50,000 HKD
Other—50,000 HKD
Objective of the commission
The WMA Commission is committed to programs and activities that foster deeper understanding of issues facing Hong Kong. The grant brings focus to the issue of Identity through artistic means, introducing new perspective and expanding public awareness and knowledge. It presents the opportunity to explore the particularities of this global issue as it specifically relates to Hong Kong.
For application details please refer to the WMA Commission website.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited for an in-person or Skype interview. Those applicants will be contacted by late February 2016 to schedule the interview, which will be conducted in early March. The grant recipient will be chosen and announced in early April 2016.
Selection panel
– Fung Ho Yin, Assistant Professor, School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
– Melissa Lee, public art curator, consultant, and faculty member of the English Department at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
– Ying Kwok, artist, curator and founder of the Collector Club
– WYNG Foundation Trustee
(1) Accommodation costs covered is restricted to overseas artists only and is for a maximum period of two months, subject to discussion with organisers.
(2) The public event could take a number of forms, including press conference, seminar, and/or a workshop.
Submission deadline: January 15, 2016
Project period: June 2016–June 2017