A series of individually-crafted performance pieces presented after 8 weeks of experimentation. Come and experience existence through multidisciplinary mediums. Through a variety of monologue, movement, poetry and sound, you will know that we are here. You will know that often, our stories are all that make us real.
Saturday, 10 Dec 2016, 8.00pm
Sunday, 11 Dec 2016, 2.00pm
Venue: Haque Centre of Acting & Creativity
22 Dickson Road, #02-01, Singapore 209506
RSVP via this form: http://bit.ly/PEMDdec
Pay-As-You-Wish (Suggested $10)
Proof of Existence is a result of an 8-week workshop called, ‘Merging Disciplines – Writing, Performance & Musicality’. This showcase was developed through the performers’ experiments with storytelling, poetry, theatre, song and movement techniques. The Merging Disciplines workshop was guided by HCAC instructor, Deborah Emmanuel.
Deborah Emmanuel is a Singaporean writer, performer and four-time TEDx speaker. Her work and dialogue has featured at festivals like Makassar International Writers Festival and Queensland Poetry Festival. She has performed on stage and screen with companies like TheatreWorks, Singapore Repertory Theatre and Mediacorp. Her work has toured Asia, Australia and Europe and featured in numerous publications locally and internationally.

is an online showcase and magazine covering Southeast Asia’s established and emerging visual artists and art scenes.