Baja California, Mexico. is famous for its artists’ community and Rosarito Art Fest in its 4th. Edition happened on May 25 & 26, 2013 (Memorial Day Weekend) the Festival gathered more than 100 of artists that will enrich with quality and diversity content. The setting of this event is such that visitors are invited to meet the artists while they work; enjoy for free the musical stage, and of course try something (or everything) from the delicious flavors at the food and beverage area. Hence allow visitors to feel the joyful artistic mood all around!
All artists’ works were for purchase, suitable for anyone to start or enrich a magnificent art collection, or simply to nurture the spirit with a piece of art.
Singaporean Photographer & Social Activist – Robin Low was part of this Festival. I had the chance to grab him and got him to share with us about this festival that is half the world across from Singapore.
“How did you became part of this showcase?”
Robin: “I have been doing several solo art exhibits in Mexico, and participated in several Art Festivals, and was invited to this exhibition.”
“I understand that you are on a World Tour with your “Tohoku – Road to the future” series, can you share with us about this series?”
Robin: “This photo exhibition world tour is part of the global launch of “Markets of Hope”, the organisation “Relief 2.0’ will host a conference about efficient response and sustainable recovery disaster. The objective is to look for collaboration to run this show in North America and Mexico (Jan 2013) and if your reader(s) have a Gallery or a venue, I would be glad to come. I would appreciate accommodations as well. The show and exhibition is usually a 1 weekend event, and I’ve done shows that are 1 week or 1 day.”
*For Reference: Tohoku – Road to the future – Art and photo Exhibition Public event • By Relief 2.0
“What are the challenges of doing Multiple shows at vary countries?”
Robin: “The main challenge faced is the logistics. As the locations are pretty far apart, the cost of flying (or shipping) the artworks is very high. The cost involved is the main challenge to running the exhibitions all over the world.”
“What kind of interactions or enrichment did you gain from being on a World Tour with your photo series?”
Robin: “These exhibitions usually come with a talk and further engagement with the local disaster management team. They get to learn about the successes and the new technologies and processes used in Japan that helped in the recovery process. There is sometimes a session where communities can learn how to support each other in a disaster to restart businesses without the involvement of the government.”
“How does the art scene in the countries which you showcased,
differ? Can you cite a few examples?”
Robin: “In the different art shows that I’ve exhibited in, I meet many different artists. In the different exhibitions, different culture produce different kinds of art.
I feel that local culture and are best displayed in community art like the murals in San Diego.
These arts reflect the vibrancy of the community and it also shows both the struggles and aspirations of the local community.”
“What would be your next project?”
Robin: “I am working on a “Social Fiction” to share inspirational lessons from the Boston Marathon to inspire people to do the right thing during a disaster.”
“How does Art, or in your case – Photography, help to outreach and serve a social cause? What more can be done, to utilise Arts as an outreach tool?”
Robin: “Art is a very powerful medium to share thoughts and ideas. I write, paint and sometimes take photos. In photography, you can share your point of view with a simple image and caption and allow the viewer to think more about a situation create awareness and hopefully get support.””
“You have been to many art festivals, please share with our readers some reasons to travel & visit Rosarito Art Festival in future.”
Robin: “I would say the Rosarito Art Festival is one that I truly enjoy. The event located at Rosarito, BC, is a great location, good view, great weather, just about 1 hour from San Diego! Family-friendly environment. People travel there to enjoy the weather and art. Just three minutes walk to the beach! Beautiful Sunsets!
The participating artists are friendly; it’s enjoyable to talk to them, chat, ask them about their techniques.”
“Do share with us about your charity organisations”
Robin: “Civil Innovation Lab, and Relief 2.0, I hope your readers can take a look at them”
Rosarito Art Fest happened on Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 11:00 AM – Sunday, May 26, 2013 at 9:00 PM (PDT) , Rosarito Beach, Mexico
For more information:
*Image Credits: Rosarito Art Fest & Robin Low
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