Jordi Forniés is a Spanish artist and a music composer. He has a Doctorate in Chemistry, a Degree in Classical Piano, a Masters in Marketing and Communication and a research based Masters in Fine Arts. A chemist by training, Jordi has a clear understanding of the materials he works with. As a visual artist, he uses these materials and the texture to develop his artistic language further.
From bronze, wood, UV photosensitive resin to nylon, Jordi explores the correlation of materials with sound and form in his solo exhibition Sonance: Sound as Body, Sound as Architecture. Sound has a defining link to form in its cause and existence. In particular, different qualities of sound are defined by the shape of sound waves and vibrations. The making of the sculptures in his latest series of work is fully related to the parameters defining sound. Variations of amplitude and frequency are embodied in the design of these sculptures and they become the central DNA of his work. Some of the sculptures are created through the use of 3D printing technology to realise the potential of materials and form.
Jordi has been featured in exhibitions around the world. His works are collected by Patrimonio Historico Nacional, Museu d’Art Modern de Tarragona (Spain), The Irish Office of Public Works (OPW), The Trinity College (Ireland), Consorcio de Museos de la Comunidad de Valencia (Spain), amongst many other corporate and private collectors.
Main Sponsor:
Chan-Davies Art Prize
Sonance: Sound as Body, Sound as Architecture
Exhibition Period: 5th – 30th April 2017, Tuesdays-Sundays (11am-7pm), Closed on Mondays and Public Holidays
Venue: Chan + Hori Contemporary
6 Lock Road Gillman Barracks
Singapore 108934

is an online showcase and magazine covering Southeast Asia’s established and emerging visual artists and art scenes.